Here are some questions we are often asked. If you have any other questions that you can’t find here, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to answer any queries you have on 0800 333 055.

Where possible we will protect you against this by offering you “Income Protection Insurance”, in any event the most important thing is communication with us and your lender. We will work with you to assist in the rough patches and help get you back on track. Rough patches happen to us sometimes and its important to keep in touch so that we can assist, payments arrangements can be put in place in most cases. Note: Beneficiaries only qualify for cover in the event of death and insurance shortfall. Please call for clarification.

It’s really quite simple, if you have good credit you will get great rates, often competitive with the current bank rates. If you have some credit blemishes, it will vary based on the extent of your adverse credit. Good credit excellent rate, Adverse credit will be a slightly higher rate. We don’t have unreasonable rates, they are in keeping with the bank scale of 10.95% – 23.95%.

Generally a loan will be based on a 36 to 60 month term, depending on the age and mileage of the vehicle and your individual affordability. The best thing is that there are no penalties should you wish to repay your loan earlier than what is specified in your contract. If you have extra money some weeks and wish to pay this against your car, this will be the best way to reduce the term of your loan or take a payment holiday should you need one over holiday periods like Christmas.

EASY… We have over 1200 vehicles available, there most certainly will be something perfect for you 🙂 You will have 2 options to view. Email would be the easiest option but if you have no email a good quality mobile phone that receives pictures does the job just as well. Full specifications of any vehicle you are considering will be made available to you prior to final selection. We do our very best to only showcase vehicles that we think will fit within your affordable payment range.

Nicole will call you to discuss Motor Vehicles that suit your needs and budget. She will cover off all loan details including payments and interest rate plus any insurance products that you may need over the course of your loan term.

We are fast and efficient. Most of our customers will know the outcome of their application within 24 hrs. We try to make contact within 1 hour of receiving your information, so you are informed that we have your personal information in our hands. Sometimes further information is required and we will advise you of this as soon as possible.

We deliver as far north as Kaitaia to as far south as Manaia in the southern Taranaki region and all the countryside in between. In the event that we cannot deliver due to high demand, we will fly or bus you to our Auckland offices at our expense.

YES, we only finance vehicles we sell, this is to protect you and us. Ultimately we want to be sure that you get a quality vehicle that we are proud to stand by. As licensed dealers we are accountable when things go wrong, especially within the first 4 weeks after delivery. Therefore we will only sell vehicles that meet our quality standards. Modern cars are full of complicated parts and accessories and sometimes things do go wrong. We make every effort to have our cars AA complied to a very high standard and always have our WOF testing carried out by VTNZ or VINZ as they are accountable for maintaining safety standards and being a regulated body they take their checks seriously.

Interest rates and additional insurance products play a large part in what the weekly payments can range from. Many people advertise weekly repayments that do not factor in any additional products like Insurance, Mechanical Warranties, Income Protection, GAP etc. Most customers opt for either Income Protection or a Mechanical Warranty and Comprehensive Insurance is compulsory when there is finance owing on a vehicle, GAP is strongly advised although it is optional. All of the aforementioned insurances and the interest rate plus term of loan, will make car payments vary. Our advice is that its best that we work on your budget first. Depending on your income level and existing house hold expenditure, we work with you to pre- approve a loan that you can afford and affordability is something we take seriously. As a guide only, Average car payments for a low income earner of $550 – $600 per week will be between $85 – $95 on a small car excluding insurances. The factors that determine the level will be weather you are single or if you have a family. The more mouths your income has to feed, the lower the repayments will have to be and generally this will mean a smaller loan size.

We sell vehicles no older than 12 years of age. Mileage between 40,000 to 120,000Kms max. Vehicles with higher mileage will be considered based on make, model, service history,ownership history etc.

At “Stuck For Transport” we have been very successful in providing finance to people with past credit issues. Whilst I cannot help everyone, we specialize in assisting people that have had a genuine isolated incidence of Bad Credit. Perhaps you were made redundant for a short time, suffered a loss in the family, had an unexpected illness that interfered with your ability to keep on top of everything for a short time. If this sounds like you, but circumstances are now back on track, then WE WANT TO HELP YOU!

In the past Finance Companies have lent money to lower income earners and have been left short as a result of people not being able to meet their commitments. The cost of living is something that we must take a very practical view of. This means we are looking for a clear surplus in your income to afford a car payment plus insurance. We also want to see that it is easy for you to maintain your daily living expenses as well as your car payment.

Whilst we strive to only showcase exceptional quality motor vehicles at all times, you never can be 100% safe against mechanical failure in a vehicle. Our motor vehicles today are extremely technical and with the revolution of gadgets that make our driving life more luxurious, they also expose us to the possible technical failure throughout a vehicles life. To protect you against the unforeseen we strongly recommend purchasing a mechanical warranty which can be paid off in conjunction with your car loan for only a few extra dollars per week. We use the “Janssens” product which is the industry leader in providing mechanical warranties and they are available for 1, 2 or 3yr terms. In most cases we encourage you to take a 24 month warranty.

CCI – Consumer Credit Insurance or LPI – Loan Protection Insurance are insurances that protect you against loss of income for a wide variety of reasons. Our premium cover protects you in the unfortunate event of Accident, Illness, Redundancy, Hospitalization, Death and Insurance Shortfall. In summary it protects you when your income is jeopardized for any of the above reasons and takes care of your loan payments in the event that you cannot. The only exceptions to the cover is that you must comply with standard NZ law. For example: If you are discharged from you job because you were involved in criminal activity, then this is not redundancy and you will not be covered! If you write off your car and are proven to be under the influence of alcohol above the driving limit, your insurance will not protect you. Income protection insurance is their to protect loss of income that arises through unforeseen circumstances as long as it does not involve breaking the law.

We prefer for you to hold a New Zealand full or restricted, however is some cases we can also provide finance to those who hold a learners license.  There is a strict criteria on learner applicants and they must be working full time, have reasonable credit (No more than $1000 bad credit), and they must have held their learners license for 6 months or more making them eligible to upgrade to the restricted.

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